RegionX Wiki

RegionX is a project dedicated to developing components for the new Agile Coretime model. The project aims to build on top of the new Agile Coretime model and to cover the aspects that are not provided 'out of the box.'

Since in the Agile Coretime model the community is no longer involved in the procurement process, we are reintroducing it in a unique way. Similar to crowdloans in the slot auction model, with RegionX, the community can again be involved in this process and receive rewards for their involvement. Read more about this in our 'Community Involvement 🌱' section.

Overview of the Documentation

The documentation of this wiki is structured into three categories.

  • Basics - Covers all the fundamental concepts of Coretime, as well as highlights the distinctions between the primary bulk market and the secondary Coretime marketplace we are building. In the basic sections, we also cover all the ways projects can acquire Coretime for themselves.

  • Advanced - Goes into the technical details to understand how the RegionX Coretime market is structured and designed. This section will also provide the reader with an adequate understanding of how the Coretime pricing model works.

  • Build - Offers documentation for teams looking to integrate with the RegionX Coretime marketplace.

Last updated